select * from Systems
select * from PubFunction where i_system = 'A00000000003'
select * from PubFunction where i_functionName like '%客戶銷貨業績統計%'
TFormReportCusObject SaleB.dll
select A.i_custom,A.i_customNo,A.i_customName
, SUM(ISNULL(SlipAmount,0)*i_execRate) SlipAmount
, SUM(ISNULL(ReturnAmount,0)*i_execRate) ReturnAmount
, SUM(ISNULL(SlipAmount,0)*i_execRate)-SUM(ISNULL(ReturnAmount,0)*i_execRate) Diff
, SUM(ISNULL(SlipCost,0)) SlipCost, SUM(ISNULL(ReturnCost,0)) ReturnCost
, SUM(ISNULL(SlipProfit,0)) SlipProfit,SUM(ISNULL(ReturnProfit,0)) ReturnProfit
,SUM(ISNULL(i_tax,0)*i_execRate) TAX
( select A.i_execRate,A.i_pactNo,A.i_actDate,A.i_custom,A.i_customNo,A.i_customName,i_tax
, CASE WHEN A.i_type>0 THEN i_amount ELSE 0 END SlipAmount
, CASE WHEN A.i_type=0 THEN (-1)*i_amount ELSE 0 END ReturnAmount
, sum(CASE WHEN A.i_type>0 THEN i_cost ELSE 0 END) SlipCost
, sum(CASE WHEN A.i_type<=0 THEN i_cost ELSE 0 END) ReturnCost
, sum(CASE WHEN A.i_type>0 THEN i_profit ELSE 0 END) SlipProfit
, sum(CASE WHEN A.i_type<=0 THEN i_profit ELSE 0 END) ReturnProfit
from vSaleSlipDetail A left join SaleCustom SC on A.i_custom=SC.i_custom
where SC.i_company = '' and
A.i_actDate>='2011/1/1' and A.i_actDate<='2014/2/12'
group by A.i_pactNo,A.i_actDate,A.i_custom,i_customNo,i_customName,i_amount,i_type,i_tax,A.i_execRate ) A
GROUP BY A.i_custom,A.i_customNo,A.i_customName ORDER BY i_customNo